A complete understanding of migraine

Migraine is a condition that commonly results in frequent and persistent bouts of headaches that result in a number of physical and sensory discomforts. There are different types of migraine that affect men, women, and children of all ages, exhibiting a myriad of symptoms. The severity of the condition will also vary depending on the type and inherent triggers. Here is a complete overview of its causes, symptoms, treatments, and simple home remedies you can try for better migraine management.

Causal factors of a migraine
The exact cause of migraines is not yet known. Experts often attribute the headaches to either changes in the way the brain communicates using the nerves, a chemical imbalance, or changes in blood vessels.

  • Triggers range from environmental and emotional factors to changes in diet, side effects of certain medications, and even hormonal imbalance caused due to birth control pills or menopause.
  • Lack of sleep, poor posture, overexertion, low blood sugar, dehydration, jet lag, and general fatigue can also trigger migraines.

Noticeable symptoms
You may experience a range of physical and sensory symptoms even before the migraine fully develops.

  • Headache is one of the main symptoms that can last for hours, days, or even weeks.
  • You might also experience nasal congestion with nausea or vomiting.
  • One can experience irritability and tiredness, also commonly known as a migraine hangover.
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound that starts to affect daily activities can also be a symptom.

Effective treatments
Doctors usually recommend a combination of prescription and over-the-counter medications for migraines. These include medications to manage the pain, treat the symptoms, and even prevent the frequent bouts of acute pain. For chronic migraines, CRGP pathway monoclonal antibodies and Botox may be suggested as part of the treatment. The type of medication will depend on the intensity of the pain.

Natural remedies for migraine treatment

  • Create a comfortable environment
    Turn off the lights and try to sleep in a nice dark room to relax completely. You can even try hot and cold compress for pain relief from the frequent bouts of headache. Taking a hot shower can also relax tense muscles and help relieve anxiety or stress that may trigger the headaches. Create an environment where you feel safe and comfortable to automatically lower the stress.
  • Get proper rest
    Sleep well and try to establish a routine that has a fixed bedtime and wake-up time every day. Taking naps during the afternoon or whenever the pain persists. This can also help the brain relax. Switch off all distractions from the bedroom before sleeping and try to relax normally. Do not force yourself to go to sleep, as this will only increase the pressure. Try relaxing activities like listening to soothing music, taking a warm bath, or any activity that calms your mind and promotes better sleep.
  • Manage stress
    Stress and anxiety are the number one triggers of migraines. So, you must explore ways to reduce stress and manage your worries in a more healthy and productive manner. This includes simplifying your daily routine and exploring better ways of doing things more efficiently. Plan and execute tasks in a timelier manner to make the most of those precious hours in hand. Take breaks and focus more on the efforts rather than the outcome. Stop worrying unnecessarily.

Recommended diet
Food also plays a crucial role in managing and, to some extent, preventing migraines. The primary focus here is on eating consistently, having smaller but frequent meals, and not skipping meals just because of the headache. Eating at a proper time and in smaller quantities helps with digestion. Avoid eating foods and drinking beverages that can trigger a migraine. These include certain dairy products like cheese, chocolates, even aerated beverages, fizzy drinks, caffeinated beverages, and alcohol.